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Authors, Share Your Book with Millions of Readers

Lots of Books!Authors, Share Your Book with Millions of Readers

A professional FREE publishing service! Publish and sell your book, music or film on and other channels using free tools from CreateSpace.
Get access to FREE book publishing tools, resources, and a growing online community of authors. Learn How. Get Published: Take your book from manuscript to the masses with self-publishing and print-on-demand from CreateSpace.  Get started.

Books!I, Mary I. Oliver, (Author's Pen Name 'Clark Night') have worked with publisher CreateSpace for a few years. Book sales, total profits continue to grow every year!  The publisher advertises, sells and distributes my books free, no charge to the author in the USA, Europe and other Countries. They taught me how to format a manuscript, create front and back book covers, content-index, proofread the book on-line and in print. Many other tools are available. 'Cover Creator' provides a variety formats, designs, text. The author may buy low cost single or bulk copies of their books below bookstore price and re-sell or just let Amazon do all the selling.

Before I found CreateSpace I tried a few other publishers. All wanted to charge thousands of dollars to publish one book. Publishers charged more and more money when it was time to publish. Additional charges appeared for each new re-format they requested and to advertise, sell on and other bookstores in the U.S. More charges for Canada, overseas, cover design.

CreateSpace does all of this for FREE! And you may publish many books, unlimited. I preserve Antique Public Domain books by an Ophthalmologist, other doctors, authors and create my own books. CreateSpace taught me how to set up an Amazon Authors Page. USA; Click Here  Europe; Click Here. More pages have been created for other countries. The Author is allowed to post videos, pictures of their work, book descriptions, list all their books, state opinions, defend against competitors, post Twitter, Blog posts... Video internal view of your book can be created to compliment the 'Look Inside' Tool.

You can keep track of book sales, new books, movies.., subjects people prefer to read, the public's interests, life style, heritage... in various locations in the USA and worldwide in your CreateSpace account and on the Authors' page.

        This is August 2014 CreateSpace Account Sales for Paperbacks USA, Europe... ;

 Here's a Snapshot of a Months Sales From the Amazon Authors Page by Geography, USA;

Sales by Geography Jan, 2014 and Some Past Dates.

Sales by Geography

Note many sales in Utah and surrounding states. One of my customers referred our books to neighbors, friends. Same thing in the Northeast, New York. (and countries not shown here.) New reports show more and more states. After your paperback is done, CreateSpace will offer to send you to Kindle where you may create a copy of your paperback to be sold, viewed on Kindle reading devices. I converted a copy of every book to Kindle and set it for sale in countries available; US, Canada, UK, Germany, India, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Australia... That more than doubles monthly sales; total Paperback and Kindle. This is a way to reach people of all nationalities. My subject is self-help. The particular subject is not well know so I haven't earned a million dollars yet, but other authors that write fiction, entertainment, true life stories... have made over 1 million sales! One such lady wrote a book on humming birds. I will be branching out to other subjects, comic books, movies, audios in the future. Might partner with a childhood friend. I recently saw our book advertised on the Wal-Mart Website! Amazon said that is probably by one of the many book sellers that buy author's books from CreateSpace in bulk or advertise, then order by Print On Demand from CreateSpace. Learn more, exchange ideas at the Author's Community website and other CreateSpace 'How To' websites! A variety of marketing, advertising, customer service training is available.

I will post a video soon as I move through the process LIVE inside CreateSpace showing how to create a book, it's cover, set price, countries, stores, then off to the Kindle page.

Authors, Share Your Book with Millions of Readers


Authors, Share Your Book with Millions of Readers